Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Oh my achin' Drew.....

Slug fest in Fenway!!! Bats and balls flying everywhere.....Mike Lowell gets 4 hits..almost had five!!! Congrats Mikey.
The hit and home run god even let J.D.Drew in on the fun! I almost fell of my chair when he connected with his 2nd hit. Then a homer!?!?! whats going on??? I'm heading out to get a lotto ticket. May be I can get some luck too!!
Youk just short on two hits that with a bit of tail wind would have been homers. Bummer...
Pedroia smacked a homer into the monster seats....very nice!!
Pappi and Ellsbury also hit homers...love the Pappi swing and Ellsbury, well what can I say...you sooo good,man!!
Condolences to Wake... got a bit beat up... at least the game will not go against your record.
Gagne just had to give up a run... I still think that he is a sleeper agent for the Yankers...
Series against the Rays ends tomorrow ( wed 12th) Heres to another victory then.

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