Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Happy Dance!!!

Baseball might be dragging me down a bit but I can always count on my three kids to cheer me up.
Today we received interim report cards for them.
Alexa, our 16 year old has all A and 1 C.
Kayla our 12 year old has all A's and 1B.
Kyle out 11 year old has all A's one B.



~**Dawn**~ said...

Good job to your kids! =)

Ted D said...

Congrats on the good grades. I always used to wonder my my Pop made such a big deal about them: now, with a 9 year old in school and two more on the way, I understand.

It really is amazing how smart that man became the older I got.

Beckett is the stopper tonight: I can feel it.

~**Dawn**~ said...

Now you have TWO reasons to happy dance!

Ted D said...

Now I'M doing a happy dance.

JMP said...

Dawn and Ted I am shakin' my BOOTIE!!!