Thursday, September 27, 2007

Celebration Tonight?? NOPE!!!!

Ok Red Sox Nation.....
Put the champagne back in the fridge...stow the special Oktoberfest beer back in the cooler... we came up a bit short tonight.

Beckett has an off night and our bats did not sing well enough. Leaving the bases loaded in the bottom of the ninth hurt a heck of a lot.
We really need to work on that LOB stuff one day!!

Does it matter... not really as we are in the playoffs!!!! That's what counts.
Sure I would have loved to see Beckett get number 21. But it was not meant to be.

Even Lowell was not hot tonight..

Tomorrow is another day and we will see our Sox rise up at Fenway and play the greatest game in the world!! Dice-K is going to serve up some wasabi coated sushi to the Twins !!! They will be to busy fanning their burning bung holes to swing the bats!!

Magic number is still at 2. Three games left at Fenway!! I can not think of a better place for our boys in their red socks to play!!



~**Dawn**~ said...

The only thing more painful than watching the Cap'n K is watching Youk do it too.

Ted D said...

jmp, thought for sure when we had the bases loaded with one out they'd come through. Hopefully we're only a day late with your prediction from yesterday.

~**Dawn**~ said...


They did it!!!

JMP said...

I dancing in the street Dawn!!!