Thursday, October 18, 2007

It ani't over till its over....

Take a look at the picture I posted in the header.
At the top of the page.
The one showing Fenway all decked out for the ALCS.
I am so proud that out boys have made it so far.
I , like most of the RNS have spent many a day and night worried over the regular season that we would not get to this point.
We ended the regular season 2 games up on the Yankers.
We swept the Angles.
We took our Division Pennant.
Now we are down 1-3 to the ghastly tribe that has only one thing in hang the scalps of every Red Sox player from their tepee/lodge poles!!!
Tonight might be the closing song on our 2007 season, maybe it wont.
Lots of talk on blogs and web pages how our boys are choking, not trying, throwing in the towel.. the rants go on and on.
I KNOW they are trying their best.
Each game they go out and play to win.
I have faith and knowledge that each Red Sox player is giving 100% or more in and effort to win.
Tonight, Game 5 of the ALCS , the Master & Commander, Josh Beckett is back on the mound.
I wish him Godspeed.
When we win tonight, then its another game and it will be back in BEAN TOWN.
If we lose tonight, then it was a great year. A year with many Red Sox records and a great out look for 2008!!!
PS.........To Theo Epstein and John W. Henry!!! GIVE Michael Averett Lowell HIS CONTRACT NOW!!!!
GO SOX!!!!


Anonymous said...

Cool you keeping the faith!!
Hope your sox win tonight!!

~**Dawn**~ said...

The people with their trashtalk about our boys are not giving the Indians their due credit. The Sox aren't playing badly. The Indians are just playing better.

Would you mind linking me to where you found that header pic? I would love to use it as my desktop background. =)

Ted D said...

jmp, 2-3 now, with Schilling going tomorrow. And yes: he's an egotistical gas bag, but he's OUR egotistical gas bag, and he LIVES for the big game.

And I agree with Dawn: the Indians have out played us in 3 games, we've been better in two. It'll be three come tomorrow night.

What has driven me crazy is suggestions they don't care, and have given up: no way.

JMP said...

Yes, lots of trash talk from bout sox fans and non-sox fans. I do not understand the sox fans trashing the team. Of course they are trying..why would they not?? its a shot for a WS ring and extra bucks..The Indians have out played the Sox, pure and simple and the one time that really hurt was on game 2.

Here is to Shilling hitting the spots because he sure does not have the speed any more. Don't know why the bloody sock comes into play today, that was 3 years ago. And Shill is not the same pitcher today.
Shill will need run support tonight!!! Hope the Sox bats are hotter that hades!
I feel they do care. No one wants to loose. And Mannys comments are being blown out of context as usual.

Ted D said...

jmp, they sort of gloss right over the quotes from Manny about trading his numbers for WS rings, don't they?

Ted D said...


Did you hear?


JMP said...

We Are?????
First I heard of it!!
Thanks Ted!!
Your a life saver!!!


Ted D said...

Just doing my public duty.